New Codekana web site, preview of the J1CK Twitter client, and next steps
Just yesterday I published the new Codekana web site. You can have a look at it here:
For comparison, here is a capture of the old main page (click for a full size version):

The goal with the redesign was to better communicate the benefits (hence the animated GIF and the key-features extract), communicate better the fact that it is fairly used and liked around the globe (hence the customer map and testimonials page and link), and to better show the many things available via the Codekana web page (hence the sidebar with the links).
I will be happy to hear your feedback on the redesign!
J1CK Twitter mobile client
On other front, the J1CK project is advancing nicely, and we are about to release our first public app: a Twitter client for Java mobile phones. I have posted a few screenshots to whet people’s appetite before the first public release at the blog over there: If you’d like to get early access to the beta, just email me via the email link on the sidebar, post a comment to this blog post or the one on, or use any of the contact forms on either page.

I will be posting both about J1CK news and about general usability topics over at the J1CK blog, so you may find it interesting to subscribe. Usability is in such a poor shape everywhere that the sources to draw interesting topics from is endless.
Next steps on all fronts
This is going to be a very, very active Autumn. I really want to push all products forward and get to the next stage.
For ViEmu, my immediate next stages are the new Symnum/NGEDIT customer portal, which is half-done (done in Python using MySQL, via FastCGI on Apache for the web front-end), a ViEmu 2.5 with a few very interesting new improvements (which will be the first paid upgrade for those who bought over a year ago, and the first paid ViEmu upgrade ever), and then ViEmu for VS2010 [EDIT (some people asked about these): the same upgrade fee will include ViEmu 2.5 for VS <= 2008 and VEmu 2.5 for VS2010. And if you buy ViEmu now, both the 2.5 version and the VS2010 version will be included in the standard one year of free upgrades, so there’s no need to wait].
For Codekana, I want to release a Codekana 1.5 with a few improvements, and then go straight to Codekana for VS2010. The new editor technology in VS2010 will alow incredibly powerful new features for Codekana. After this, I have already planned the route to move Codekana forward to the next level, and I think I can turn it into a much more useful and poweful tool in the following months. I have been talking to a very good programmer who is a good friend of mine too to try and get him to work with me part-time, and he would be helping realize this vision. If this happens, it will really help get there much faster, and the business will surely improve as a result.
I have made great advances lately in my technology research for my up-and-coming text-editor kodumi. It’s been a very theoretical research since 2005 when I started, but I have finally made enough advances to start implementing a first prototype. I’m working in Python, as it’s just a prototype, and it should help work with less overhead than C++. Hopefully, it’s just a matter of several months before I have something of practical use. After this, I plan to start using the technology in Codekana first, and in the stand-alone editor later.
Finally, J1CK advances very well thanks to the great team we have, and we hope to do great advances by the end of the year: Blackberry and iPhone support, and many more exciting offerings.
As you can see, my hands are really full with work in all fronts. I feel I have the energy to make everything get to the next level, and I do hope that there will be some qualitative advances in all products over the next few months!
September 24th, 2009 at 4:30 pm
Glad to see so many exciting plans – esp. interested to see the VS2010 offerings!
September 24th, 2009 at 4:34 pm
Charles, thanks!! Hopefully there will be much to see soon, and I’m excited about exploiting all the new possibilities in VS2010. Both ViEmu and Codekana will be much greater there!
September 24th, 2009 at 4:52 pm
Is there a tie-in between the ViEmu 2.5 upgrade and the VS2010 version? How about a 2010 pre-order that includes the upgrade when available?
September 24th, 2009 at 4:55 pm
Jay, I will amend the post — the upgrade is fully related. Upgrading ViEmu support to the latest version (which will be available via the customer portal) will include both the latest version for VS <= 2008 and the VS 2010 version, and one more year free upgrades of both. I want people to get great value for money.
September 24th, 2009 at 6:10 pm
[…] New Codekana web site, preview of the J1CK Twitter client, and next steps […]
September 24th, 2009 at 6:17 pm
[…] New Codekana web site, preview of the J1CK Twitter client, and next steps […]
October 24th, 2009 at 9:39 pm
Please prioritize ViEmu for VS2010. No ViEmu is the main reason I don’t switch to VS2010.
October 27th, 2009 at 9:02 pm
Igor, thanks for your input. I will indeed prioritize VS2010, I necessarily have to finish the new customer area and license key system first, because I’ve already switched a lot of the code to it (it’s almost ready), but ViEmu/VS2010 and Codekana/VS2010 are the #1 priority after that. Very very soon.
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:16 pm
My trial period is about to end, and before buying a licence, I would very much like to know what the roadmap is for ViEmu. We will soon move to VS2010, and I want to be sure that I will be able to carry on using ViEmu in the new version.
Regardless, congratulations on putting out such a wonderful product, and good luck for the future!
March 4th, 2010 at 12:28 pm
Thanks Eddy for the very kind comment. I have responded to you by email. Regards, — Jon